The Parent & Child Wellness Center
Your resource for tools, strategies, and healing for you and your family
Adult Therapy
Are you stressed, worried, frustrated? Do you feel like you just need a break? Therapy can help, both in the short and longterm.
At the core of what we do at The Center is help those we serve become better friends to themselves. It’s from this place of greater self-compassion that we can begin to replace less helpful or healthy coping skills with those that create and sustain more ease and mindfulness in our everyday lives. In essence, we can then begin to gently reparent ourselves. In doing so, we can better honor our own wholeness, even when it may feel like a part is broken or missing. For those of us who are parents, this renewed relationship with self can positively transform the way we interact with our own children.
We are BIG about providing short-term solutions and skills to help things run more smoothly in your life and at home, as well as opportunities for longer-term self-exploration.
Life inevitably has its bumps and surprises, and healing is a continuous journey. We are here to help you on the path.